MLB World Series: Yankees vs Dodgers

Friday, October 25, 2024

Los Angeles, California, USA

Dodger Stadium

Los Angeles Dodgers

Yoshinobu Yamamoto

Pregame 1 Press Conference

Q. Yoshinobu, you've played in big games before, but to be in the World Series your first year in Major League Baseball, just what does that mean to you?

YOSHINOBU YAMAMOTO: Obviously this is my first time, first World Series, so I'm going to do my very best to give it as much contribution as possible to the team.

Q. With the success that you had with the two starts in the NLDS, one start in the NLCS, how do you think those have prepared you for your World Series start tomorrow?

YOSHINOBU YAMAMOTO: Every time I pitch the last three games, I become more comfortable and I'm feeling better. Of course it's a World Series, so I might face a challenge, but I think I'm -- because that benefits me, those previous three outings during the postseason.

Q. From last year in the Japan series against Hanshin, what adjustments did you make between your starts in Game 1 and Game 6? And are those experiences somewhat equivalent to this one, and does that help you?

YOSHINOBU YAMAMOTO: I consider my experience in Japan series last year and then this postseason as kind of different. I think it's a different experience. And then it's been one year so -- because my condition and everything is kind of different from last year.

I'm going to just do the bit of preparation for this World Series because every game I might face different challenges. So I'm going to adjust myself to that.

Q. Yoshi, this has been such a roller coaster season for you, battling back from injury to having the experience of pitching five scoreless in the playoffs. What throughout this entire season have you learned that can help prepare you for your upcoming start?

YOSHINOBU YAMAMOTO: As you know, there was a long absence, about three months because of my injury, so I'd like to contribute, do my best and contribute to the team as much as possible.

Q. When you were looking to sign with a team, was this the moment that you dreamed about? And how has this postseason lived up to what you dreamt about?

YOSHINOBU YAMAMOTO: Yes, because I signed with the Dodgers because I really wanted to win. Especially my first year, I've come this far and get to play on this big stage in the World Series. Also, I'm able to go out there and play with these great teammates.

Q. You had one of your best starts of the season against the Yankees in the regular season. Does that give you a lot of confidence going into this series, and will you attack them in a similar way?

YOSHINOBU YAMAMOTO: I think the experience from June will benefit me a little bit, but this is the World Series and the lineup might also probably be different from June. I'm going to just study and get myself ready for the lineup tomorrow.

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150049-1-1046 2024-10-25 19:23:00 GMT

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