MLB World Series: Yankees vs Dodgers

Sunday, October 27, 2024

New York, New York, USA

Yankee Stadium

Los Angeles Dodgers

Walker Buehler

Workout Day Press Conference

Q. Walker, from what you saw just from Jack as well as from Yoshinobu in Games 1 and 2, how they attacked and their approach against the Yankees and just kind of what they were doing, how does that kind of help with your game planning? Is there any information you can take from what they were able to do against them?

WALKER BUEHLER: Yeah, all three of us being right-handed certainly helps. I think at the end of the day, it's kind of that weaving what we do well versus what they don't do so well. I think both those guys did a really good job of kind of going to their strengths when they needed to.

Yeah, they both did really good jobs. I think at the end of the day, this game, at least from our perspective, is executing what we're trying to do and kind of expecting that to work out well.

Q. I know we've talked about just you pitching on the road being in these big game situations. Just to be back here in the World Series to be pitching for Game 3 here at Yankee Stadium, what does that kind of mean to you?

WALKER BUEHLER: I've never thrown any game other than Game 3 in the World Series, so I'm kind of familiar that way a little bit. Obviously we were here earlier in the year, but I didn't throw. I've never thrown here, so that will be exciting.

And Game 3 of the World Series, it doesn't get more exciting than that.

Q. Walter, you had kind of said maybe the different movement profile on your pitches the last start maybe had a little bit to do with the weather. Is there anything you can do to maybe replicate some of those movement profiles or something like that?

WALKER BUEHLER: I think the weather and the stadium has something to do with it. I think never having thrown here, I'm not sure if that will kind of continue.

I said it before that game, I like pitching in the cold. So hope it gets down there a little bit tomorrow.

Q. Is there anything you'd be able to pinpoint that you could help to continue that swing and miss in your arsenal?

WALKER BUEHLER: Try to throw good pitches and good counts, man.

Q. We've heard a lot this week from your teammates about when they're 5 years old, when they're a kid, this is what they dream about, Dodgers-Yankees World Series. As you said, you haven't pitched here, but you're going to get to pitch here in the 12th meeting of these two historic teams and the rivalry. I know you know the history of the game. Is this also what you dreamed about when you were a little kid?

WALKER BUEHLER: To be honest, this whole thing has been -- this year in particular, but my career in general, this is my third World Series, and I think everybody that plays this game for any amount of time would be happy to have played in three of them.

I'm looking forward to doing it again and hopefully come out successful.

Q. Walker, what do you take from your pretty extensive postseason experience and the successes that you've had in the past? What do you bring into a game like this? Also, is the fact that your arsenal is a little different now, does that kind of neutralize some of that, or do you still combine what you have now with what you've done in the past?

WALKER BUEHLER: I think in any of these kind of big game scenarios you talk about, it's -- all the momentum and the hoopla and all that stuff, I think it's just learning how to kind of embrace that. I think pretty early in my career I learned how to do that in some ways. It hasn't always worked out very good.

But I think that's the mental hurdle, and then it's kind of the same game, just on a bigger stage.

Q. What has Shohei's presence in the lineup meant both just as a baseball player and as a person to the rest of the team?

WALKER BUEHLER: Any time you have probably the best baseball player in the world, I think it's going to help and frees up some of the other guys to kind of play with a little less pressure or a little more freedom, however you want to say it.

Shohei's been great. I think Mr. Kasten talked the other day about kind of the person he is, and we didn't know all that when we were getting him. He's been awesome for the clubhouse and awesome for our team. So it's been a cool year watching him with the 50-50. Just kind of the day to day and the kind of human he is as well.

Q. With him not part of the pitching group this year, have you had time to discuss pitching tips or philosophy with him?

WALKER BUEHLER: Yeah, I ask him about the splitter all the time, but it won't quite do it for me the way it does for him.

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150137-1-1046 2024-10-27 22:03:00 GMT

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