College World Series: Baton Rouge Regional

Monday, June 5, 2023

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

Oregon State Beavers

Coach Mitch Canham

Postgame Press Conference

Oregon State - 3, Sam Houston - 1

Q. How would you summarize kind of the position the team's in headed into tomorrow?

COACH CANHAM: Game one, we were playing with aggression. We were doing things the right way -- playing hard, staying focused the entirety of the game in game two. Kind of let fatigue get to us a little bit.

But we got a doubleheader possibility tomorrow, too. So that was the message after this game, too. Nice to win, but we've got to do it the right way and that ain't going to cut it all the time. Can't let one at-bat carry to the next.

We've got to go back. We've got to rest up, got to be ready to go tomorrow. That long delay and all that stuff is part of the deal. We've got to be able to perform through that. So I don't like to use any of that as an excuse. We did not perform the way we should in that second game.

Still got a win, but we know what will end -- end it with success, and we have to figure it out tomorrow.

Q. You brought up that you have a doubleheader if everything goes your way tomorrow. How would you describe the challenge?

COACH CANHAM: It's been done before. We've done it before at Oregon State. Other teams have done it before. And I say what a great opportunity we have. Really set your mind for it. You're going to go all out because at the end of the day you're packing your bags tomorrow.

You're going to leave happy or you're going to leave sad because you're not going to be around these guys you've been around all year. I think they'll ring the bell for that. Not saying it's going to be easy, there's no doubt about that. But what a great opportunity.

Q. You guys have obviously been through your trials and tribulations this season. What about the character makeup of this team leads you to believe that they're ready to overcome tomorrow?

COACH CANHAM: We've seen the offense put up a big inning. We saw a freshman go out there today in Jimenez and just fill up the zone, which helps our bullpen for tomorrow.

We're going to be a little light. But again what a great opportunity for those guys. I've learned a lot from watching the other guys go out and pitch game one.

Granted there wasn't 10,000 people here and the noise, but we were -- I guess after the game looked at some of those moments and say, good, we need to be in front of that. I don't want to just pitch in front of 10,000, I want to pitch in front of 40,000 and millions on TV.

So look forward to those opportunities. And tomorrow I think pretty sure everyone is going to come to me, even Jimenez to tell me he's got an inning in him. Put everybody in the plan.

Q. Sellers and Brown and Jimenez?

COACH CANHAM: This is technically Sellers' bullpen day. Maybe something short.

Q. What about Ferrer?

COACH CANHAM: We'll see how he responded. That was quite a bit for him today. But I'm pretty sure I know what he's going to tell me.

Q. What did you like, besides his makeup, what did Jimenez have working in him?

COACH CANHAM: Down, sinking it. His ball, I talked to Smith and he said his ball was just dropping off the table. And to do that, a pitch that he didn't throw all year; he just started to develop it and work on it with Dor, and it's been great to see him now dialing it.

There's times where he'll leave it arm side but he was working middle down with it, getting swings, getting ground balls. Can't leave the ball up in the zone.

Q. Sinker or slider?

COACH CANHAM: Sinker. His slider looked good today, too, it really did.

Q. You weren't happy with how they played but they did win. It kind of speaks to the fight of the team, I guess, and maybe that (indiscernible)?

COACH CANHAM: Yes, pitchers did a great job. We had a guy that stood up and took charge. But they were still just a few moments that we can't allow. Staying focused, again, letting one at-bat or one pitch carry into the dugout and the chatter amongst it. We've got to flush those things quick. Talk about what you learned and move on.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
133621-1-1045 2023-06-05 05:53:00 GMT

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