BMW PGA Championship

Sunday, 11 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. Huge congratulations, to hold that trophy in particular here at Wentworth, it must feel incredibly special?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it's very special to be standing here holding this. It's been a dream of mine since I was a kid to play the tournament and hopefully win it one day, and thankfully this year is my year.

Q. It was a fantastic round of golf, as well, but how aware were you of what was happening? It got a little close at one point?

TYRRELL HATTON: The last few holes, I didn't know exactly where I stood. I was really nervous playing the last few, but once I fatted my second shot and we got very lucky that it didn't go in the water, I found out that I had a three-shot lead, so that settled me down a little bit. It was nice to get up-and-down after a terrible golf shot.

Q. We saw the picture of you as a six-year-old here watching, what do you say to young kids who may be watching you now, standing here with a trophy in terms of following your dreams?

TYRRELL HATTON: I think you have to dream big, and obviously work hard and give it your best shot, and then hope everything kind of works out.

Q. A lot of golf still to come. What's coming up next moving towards the final major of the year?

TYRRELL HATTON: I'm actually in Vegas next week for CJ Cup and on to L.A. for ZoZo. I've got a busy stretch coming up. This is the start of I think six tournaments in seven weeks for me. It's obviously nice to win, and I'll take a lot of confidence from this week.

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102573-1-1003 2020-10-11 16:35:00 GMT

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