BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 16 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Connor Syme

Quick Quotes

Q. It was a weird and long day but you woke up and shot a 65 today. Very likely in the final group tomorrow. How would you reflect on today's performance?

CONNOR SYME: To be fair, what a back nine. Excited for the challenge tomorrow.

Q. When you were making a move on the back nine, was it difficult not to look at the leaderboard and see how things were stacking up?

CONNOR SYME: I definitely was looking to see how things were going but such a long way to go as well. That's what the chat was I was giving to myself, I made a 7 last night, you fall behind, feels really difficult at the time and there's such a long way to go in the tournament.

And then obviously today, I bounced back to be in this position, so I think that's what's so great about this golf course is so much can change and so much can happen.

Q. In a tournament of this magnitude, do you have a mantra you tell yourself to make sure you don't get lost in the attention or the moment?

CONNOR SYME: Yeah, it's going to be difficult. There's so, so many people here, and it is a lot of fun playing in front of so many people. I look at it as obviously it's going to be a challenge.

But I've been saying to a few people, it's just trying to commit to my golf shots and trying to execute that the best I can and then regardless, I can't be disappointed that's it. Acknowledge that I'll be nervous but just try and play through it, if I can could do that, I'll be proud of myself either way.

Q. To win an event of this size, what would that mean to you?

CONNOR SYME: It would mean early to win on the Tour and it would be amazing, obviously this tournament would be incredible. But yeah, very pleased to start, but there's so many great players up there, I'll have to play an amazing round of golf tomorrow.

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136779-1-1003 2023-09-16 16:44:00 GMT

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