BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 19 September, 2024

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matthew Baldwin

Quick Quotes

Q. Well done, that's a terrific way to start such a big tournament.

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Yeah, it was lovely. I feel like my game is pretty strong for a while, and to actually put it into a performance is nice, a nice positive.

Q. It's always a big event, this, for any DP World Tour player. Give us an idea of your emotions as you're standing on the first tee, because the galleries are huge, aren't they?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Yeah, I struggle with it a little bit, especially first tee nerves. Actually it was quite quiet when I teed off but at the end of the day, to stand on the first tee and hit a good tee shot feels great.

Q. And it's a big week, one that you circle in the calendar?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Yeah, irrelevant one we all look forward to. It's a great week on and off the golf course. It's a pleasure to be here.

Q. So what were the keys today?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: I think keeping my patience levels up. I was fortunate that I got off to a good start, and the greens were good. So you could hole putts. It wasn't the case of having to hit it stone dead to make birdies. You know, there were some tucked pins that you had to be careful and things, and miss it in the right spots, and I think I did that pretty well.

Q. I know it's a cliché but looked like you were staying in the moment really, really well, and especially on 18.

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Yeah, that's a rarity for me to be fair. I'm usually running wild.

Q. With your thoughts?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Yeah, definitely. It's something that I'm trying to work on but no, I just try to, I had a focus point of trying to make a good strike on the golf ball and take it from there.

Q. So now, the big test is keeping it in the moment, isn't it, and not running wild when you look at a leaderboard like that and your name is at the top of it?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Yeah, I'm just going to try and be me.

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