BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 20 September, 2024

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Niklas Norgaard

Quick Quotes

Q. 67 to go with yesterday's 66. How did you play compared to yesterday?

NIKLAS NORGAARD: Very similar. It's been the same kind of recipe. I've been fortunate to have a very good driver this week, and yeah, the course can be tricky if you're not straight, and I have been. So setting up opportunities for birdie and converting a few of them.

Q. Your first competitive round on this course. Are you learning more about it each round that you've played?

NIKLAS NORGAARD: Yes, indeed, because I missed the cut last year and that was the first time I'm here. I'm learning every time, and I have a caddie who is the same, and I think we are trying to find our way around. Maybe that can make it a little bit more easier because we have to be so much more in it and take everything into consideration. So far it's worked all right.

Q. You told us your two main goals for the year were to make the DP World Tour Championship and to win, and now you've done both. Does that allow you to go into this weekend and freewheel? Obviously you want to win this championship but there's not as much pressure because you've achieved so much this year, already.

NIKLAS NORGAARD: I definitely feel that on the course. It feels easier to be in this position. But as golf is, there's always the next, and I'm trying not to think too much about it. But there are those PGA TOUR cards, as well, and that's on my radar now.

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