Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship

Thursday, 19 January, 2023

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Yas Links

Alexander Levy

Quick Quotes

Q. After 11 long months, how nice is it to be back out here with a scorecard in your pocket?

ALEXANDER LEVY: It's nice. It feels great. I was so excited to be here today. Yeah, and I just enjoyed. It was the only one I say, when I stopped on 10th tee, I say to myself, just enjoy, enjoy to be back and you will see what happens.

Q. Did you expect that kind of performance today?

ALEXANDER LEVY: Sincerely, I didn't expect anything. I want to just play golf, have fun, and see if my body can play 18 holes, that was the key today?

Q. A tough process to get back out on tour, what was going through your mind during that period?

ALEXANDER LEVY: It was tough. Very tough. I had a difficult time at home. But after a couple of months, I say to myself, okay, now stop to be depressed and just practice. Practice your body to come back, and try to be the strongest you've ever been. So that was my key for the last six months.

Q. How hard was it to sort of gauge the expectations coming into the year after obviously not playing competitively, how hard is that?

ALEXANDER LEVY: My only expectation is my body. I want to do a swing that didn't hurt my body. That's my only concern. After I know what I'm able to do on the golf course, so my only concern is my body.

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128577-1-1003 2023-01-19 13:51:00 GMT

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