Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship

Thursday, 7 November, 2024

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Yas Links

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. Very well played, ten birdies, 64. How delighted are you with today's opening round?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah it was a nice way to start the tournament. Especially after four weeks off, you don't really feel how you go but sometimes that's kind of nice. Expectations aren't high -- well, they are high in my head in a weird way. But very happy with that and nice to see some putts go in, too.

Q. After a little break, mentally, as you say, that can be really nice. Did you feel fresh out there between the ears? Did you feel that excitement, that desire, and that motivation to get back out here this week?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, I mean, I kind of said a few weeks ago that I really wanted to be able to be able to play here in Dubai. So to win at the Dunhill was amazing. That sort of allowed me to do that and to give my some time off.

Yeah, I enjoyed my first two weeks off, and then I felt like I had a really productive two weeks of training and getting some good practise in. I'm happy that that kind of showed a little bit today.

Q. You mentioned the Dunhill, amazing performance there, a joy to watch. But how much are you enjoying being back playing and competing here on the DP World Tour?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it's been great. It's a little bit odd this week because normally we're here in January and it's the start of the season. I guess in some ways, it's consistent with feeling maybe a little bit rusty coming into this tournament.

Yeah, it's great to be back out here, and looking forward to the rest of the week.

Q. In terms of the recent reports and hopefully a coming together in the world of golf, do you think we are gradually edging towards that point?

TYRRELL HATTON: I don't know, feels like a bit of a yo-yo, doesn't it. It feels like it's getting closer, and then it doesn't sound like it's close. I'll play golf kind of where I want to play and we'll go from there.

Q. Cold shower for you now?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, I think that would be feeling quite nice to be honest.

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