Q. Good to see you again. Well-played. How did today feel compared to yesterday?
JOHANNES VEERMAN: Pretty good. I was the first off this morning, and you know, so you don't really have to sleep on a whole lot. You just kind of wake up and off you go.
I got off to a great start again. This course is in such good conditions. Me and the guys in the group were saying this is the best putting surface you will ever putt on because it's first off, perfect greens. It was real fun to play today.
Q. You said yesterday the goal was to stay in your own lane. How well have you done that through the opening two days?
JOHANNES VEERMAN: I think pretty good. Yeah, I think I did a great job of it. The course kind of unfolds naturally if you kind of stay on top of it.
So like I said, like we said yesterday you have to stay out of your own way and I think for the most part I did pretty good.
Q. How excited are you about the opportunity and where you are on the leaderboard?
JOHANNES VEERMAN: Yeah, it's crazy. This is why we all play golf. Because you want to be in these situations, and you want to feel the pressure, and it's great to feel uncomfortable. It's very stressful at the same time, but that's why you play to be here. You also try not to think too much about it.
So it's just weird like mental game you're almost playing with yourself. But yeah I'm very excited for the weekend.
Q. What's the No. 1 mental thought you'll take into the weekend?
JOHANNES VEERMAN: I don't know, just keep swimming. My son, he's two years old, he's watching Finding Nemo and Dori says, "Just keep swimming."
So I'm thinking, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."
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