Q. On a day when the average score is 71.5 and a half you've just shot 67. How did you do that?
MIKE LORENZO-VERA: That's because we were the first group and nobody finished the rounds, no. That's why the average was high.
Well, managed to play some good golf. When I missed the shots, there was not really many problems when I missed, and the short game was really good. I think the status of the putting will be very good.
Q. You've been away from the Tour since July last year. What's been keeping you away?
MIKE LORENZO-VERA: Mental health condition. I had a lot of treatment to do and resting, and working a lot on my mental strength. Just kept the bag in the garage for like three months or four months, and I decided to restart by only making some 18 holes, 27 holes with a buggy. You know, nothing too hard, and not really any big practise sessions. Just play golf, play golf, find joy into the game, and feels good.
Q. How did you prepare for this week? Did you feel coming in here that you were in good form?
MIKE LORENZO-VERA: I felt I could play some proper golf because I feel rested, and actually, the mindset was very important. Really we had a lot of chats with all the mental team and I called my team around, and like the mindset this week and for the three weeks coming is just go out there and enjoy playing golf, which was not easy the last two to three years. Actually, I really enjoyed today.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports