Q. Yesterday, 67, you had 25 putts and sixth in driving accuracy. Similar strength to your game today?
JASON SCRIVENER: I think so. I probably drove it better yesterday. Today, I think I played a smart round of golf. When I was out of position, put it back in play and holed some nice putts, as well.
Q. This is your ninth visit to Hero Dubai Desert Classic. Some good results in the past, top seven a couple of times. Is this a tournament and a course that you look forward to coming back to?
JASON SCRIVENER: I love it here. I've had mixed results. Yeah, I think it's a course that suits me. I'm generally a straight driver, and if I can roll a few putts in, really does suit me.
Q. We saw what you were capable of back in 2021. You finished 21st in The Race to Dubai and obviously a lot of good finishes, second and third. Last year, not as good. Have you done anything over the break to get back to where you were to start moving forward?
JASON SCRIVENER: It was a nice reset, really. Last year I got sick a couple of times. Two kids probably. Changed life a little bit, as well.
So it's been nice to step away from the game a little bit. But now I'm kind of re-invented myself in a way and enthusiastic to improve and get back to where I was.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports