Q. A round of 68 to start, how pleased are you with that?
MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, very. I think since last week, my ball-striking has been very solid. A few drives here and there that I wasn't that happy with, but I think I sorted it over the last TWO, three days.
So today, ball-striking has been great. Created a lot of chances. Greens are pure. So I think I also had a good tee time, playing that early with perfect greens. It wasn't that hot the last nine holes, so I think I took advantage of the day.
Q. You're a man who has been good at being able to articulate the thought processes that you go through and how you find perspective in your golf and your life as well. As you go in pursuit of a win here, first since 2014, it is again -- more great signs in there, a second and a third. How hard has it been for a player who has done so much to stay patient? What sort of tools do you use to realise how close you are again, and to stay in the moment to give yourself the best chance?
MARTIN KAYMER: I guess if I had the tools, I would have won within the last seven years. I think the expectation is for yourself. It's not too much the expectations from the media or the fans. It's more from myself. I expect so much from myself and I know that I can play really, really good golf. I don't think there's much missing in my overall game. It's just putting it together and I know I've done it many times before, and as an athlete you are expected almost to have that every week.
Obviously we can't have it, but life is super nice at the moment. Obviously a lot happening in my private life, and also playing good golf, but again, I think the expectations have been super high when you have the career that I've had until now.
Sometimes you think, how can I not win more golf tournaments the way I play golf, but this is the sport. And patience has always been a big factor, and I'm still learning; that is the beauty about this sport, you always do.
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