Q. Sergio, 68 to start, a golf course that's given you five Top 10s over the years when you've been here to play and it's been kind to you, and you obviously know how to get around it. What was the secret to today and what have you got to do well around here?
SERGIO GARCIA: Well, you have to -- the course is in great shape this year. I think that you have to drive the ball well, and I did that for most of the day. And the two drives that I missed, I made two bogeys. That shows you what this course will do.
But if you drive the ball well, it gives you a lot of opportunities. So you know, played nicely. Played really, really well on the back nine. Could have been a really, really low back nine. But you know, after the bogeys on 7 and 9, to come back and play as nicely as I did on the back nine, that's nice.
Q. So a lot of viewers at home would look at you and think, I'd just love to know what it feels like to hit a 3-wood off the deck like Sergio GarcĂa, but one thing a lot of people can do now is relate to being parents. It's something that you are now, twice, as well, with Enzo and Azalea. How has your perspective on golf changed with being a dad?
SERGIO GARCIA: It definitely changes. I mean, I think you're not the center of attention anymore. Obviously your focus, it's somewhere else and making sure that they are safe, making sure that they grow up being good kids and polite and everything, and obviously my wife, Angela, does a great job at that. I try to do my best, too.
Yeah, it definitely puts things a little bit into perspective, and you know, it's fun. It's a new chapter of life and my life in this case, and it's hard work, but we enjoy it.
Q. You've done it all in golf. What would capturing this one mean to you?
SERGIO GARCIA: It would be nice. I've been close to winning here a couple of times. It would be nice to do it obviously. I'm going to have to play well all week long. The weather looks nice, so scores are going to be good. The greens are in very good shape. They probably had a little more grass than they have had in the last few years, so they are rolling very, very nicely.
Usually anything around 20-under usually wins here, and I don't think it's going to be any different this year. You're going to have to play nicely throughout the whole week.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports