Q. Here we are in Dubai for the final event of the season. How much are you looking forward to the event starting tomorrow?
TOMMASO PERRINO: I prefer my swing and my golf for the match that start tomorrow. I think that I was competitive now with the best player that play with me all the year, and I suppose that I can do a good match.
Q. It's a sign of a good season that you're one of the eight players here playing this week. How do you feel your season went?
TOMMASO PERRINO: If I look back -- was to win the tournament, and I do that and it was for me brilliant because I work and play golf. It's not easy. I don't have all the day to improve my golf. But this year, I play more and the focus was to win one tournament and I do that, and for me, it's enough. But now why not, you can win another one.
Q. How important, obviously you want to compete, you want to win, you want to do well but how important is it to send a message out that encourage people with disabilities to take up golf at any level?
TOMMASO PERRINO: Sure, for me, I am the chief of the Italian national team because I want to help my friends in Italy that have a problem to play golf and to improve their golf. But the message is the person that have a problem in our life, must start to play golf because they can found something different in their normal life, and you can be have happiness in your life and improve your life. Because you have many time to spend in golf, and every day you can improve your golf and your mind go away from the problem and start to see a different world, more beautiful and more satisfaction in golf.
Then the message is, start to play golf because it's like if you go in the hospital but you don't take medicine.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports