DP World Tour Championship

Friday, 18 November, 2022

Dubai, UAE

Jumeirah Golf Estates

Kurt Kitayama

Quick Quotes

Q. How pleased are you given the travel that you've had to do over the last few months that your game has followed you around the world: 7th at Italy, 2nd at CJ, 29th at ZoZo as well. You're in some great form at the moment.

KURT KITAYAMA: Yeah, I'm playing pretty well, and in a good spot this week. I think it's just been getting used to all the travel the past few years over here. I'm trying to, starting to figure out a little bit how to maintain how the body feels.

Q. How is the body feeling right now? Obviously two days in what I would call extreme heat, maybe less so for you. I'm struggling, but what's it like out there when you're in the heat?

KURT KITAYAMA: Yeah, it's pretty nice because back home it's like 50 degrees and it's blowing 20. So it's nice. You'd rather be hot than cold, really, so your body doesn't have to warm up.

It's a little hot but it feels good and it's nice to be out here.

Q. How is the course out there compared to yesterday?

KURT KITAYAMA: It's playing tough. I think the pins are in some tricky spots and the way the bermuda is playing, it's tricky. It's hard to control it if you're not in the fairway.

But no, the course is playing good. It's playing tough.

Q. And going into the weekend in an event like this, how exciting is that?

KURT KITAYAMA: It's always good to be somewhat chose to the leaders and hopefully tomorrow I can get a good round in and really put myself in contention.

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127245-1-1003 2022-11-18 13:33:00 GMT

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