Q. Collin, you're the third match coming out tomorrow. How are you feeling heading into tomorrow's match?
COLLIN MORIKAWA: Excited. I think it's finally time. Everything builds up to finally starting your Friday matches and obviously going out in the morning is kind of a big start for the team just to kind of get some momentum heading into the rest of the week.
Q. Rickie, you guys have been here before. What do you take into your past experiences heading into tomorrow, or do you just kind of go in fresh?
RICKIE FOWLER: Like Collin said, I'm looking forward to it as well. Alternate shots are kind of my favorite of the formats just because I feel that it really demands play out of both of the guys. Playing alongside Collin, we're going to have a good time.
It will bring out the best in us. It's fun to be part of the morning kind of first wave and see if we can get things rolling.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports