Q. Many congratulations, the first full point for Team USA. How big, how special does this moment feel?
MAX HOMA: It's good. We needed something to go our way. I felt like we were ready this morning. We were ready to come out and play some great golf which we did. Somebody had to start a spark, so I'm just glad it was us.
Q. How fired up were you?
BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, Ludvig has been playing so well, making so many putts, chipping in, so it was good to come out and at least put red up on the board.
Q. Describe the vibe in the U.S. camp? What was the intensity level heading out?
MAX HOMA: Great. We know how good we are. Everybody knows how good the man to my left is. We obviously are in a big hole but we have the right guys to dig ourselves out of it.
Q. Can this give the team the spark you need?
BRIAN HARMAN: Hope so. We are going to rest up and get ready for this afternoon.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports