The Ryder Cup

Sunday, 1 October, 2023

Rome, Italy

Marco Simone

Team Europe

Justin Rose

Quick Quotes Singles

Q. Hard fought match in an intense and raw Australia atmosphere?

JUSTIN ROSE: It's cliché but hats off to Patrick.

He's tough. Great player. Early in the round, I played pretty nicely but didn't get the putter going. I didn't get the math I can going. He was strong, solid. Gave me nothing. I knew it was the type of match I was going to have to turn something on really special on the back nine and I got 70 percent of the way there. I did make some putts. I made it interesting. I fought as hard as I could.

But yeah, he's a tough competitor. And obviously he's dealt with a lot this week. But it's been a great week from a personal point of view but Sunday singles, the leaderboard is a little tight for my liking, so if you don't win your match, you're looking at -- you don't want to look at it with any regrets here. Hopefully it's inconsequential and it's about winning, getting to 14 1/2 now and rallying the rest of the troops.

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