Q. It looks like you've timed that absolutely perfectly. It's coming down now. What was it like playing the last three holes this morning?
ADRIAN MERONK: The weather gets worse, wind picked up and started range. You have to adjust a little but didn't really bother me to be honest. I was still focused on the game.
Q. Pretty consistent, two rounds at 5-under. Talk us through how you're feeling with the game?
ADRIAN MERONK: The game feels good. I'm coming off three weeks break. I was just home and it was nice and relaxing. I'm hungry to be competing again and that's a nice feeling. The game feels good. I love this place. Just try to enjoy the weekend.
Q. On the time off were you able to come into this week with any sort of expectation?
ADRIAN MERONK: I like coming to tournaments fresh, and like I said, hungry or competing. I knew my game is in a good spot. I didn't have an expectation, just try and play my best game and see what that gives me but yeah, so far, so good.
Q. You secured your spot in the 150th Open at the Dutch Open. Does it help remove the pressure playing in a tournament like this?
ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, and seeing The Open sign next to my name on the leaderboard, it's special. I know it's still two weeks, so I'll focus on this tournament. But I have in the back of my mind that I'll be playing St Andrews so that's quite exciting, yeah.
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