Amgen Irish Open

Thursday, 12 September, 2024

Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland

Royal County Down GC

Will Enefer

Quick Quotes

Q. Well-played today. How tough was it out there? Early-ish start, but you had all sorts of weather.

WILL ENEFER: It was cold, really. That was sort of the tough thing at the start. The wind wasn't too bad. It was probably only about 10-mile-an-hour.

But yeah by the time we probably got to, I want to say 6, 7, it was pretty brutal out there. It's been a bit up-and-down. We had a few showers and the wind really got up and straight after a shower it would go quite calm again, just dealing with all that.

Coming down the last, wind would switch from out the right to down, and I think I had 7-iron from 240. That shows how much it's blowing.

Q. Obviously a great performance despite the conditions, but what can you really credit your good play for?

WILL ENEFER: I hit a lot of really good iron shots. Started out a bit loose, really. Hit driver left on 1 and 2. Actually on the 5th green off the second, so it was quite a long way left. Hit a nice 9-iron in from there, and after that, I thought, okay, I'm swinging not too bad. Need to try to string some shots together.

Made a birdie on 4 after. Hit a nice 5-iron. So just set the tone.

Q. How did your opening round compare to maybe the rest of the season so far?

WILL ENEFER: Yeah, the rest of the season has been a bit mixed. There's been plenty of good golf like there's been out there today, but just managed to do it for all 18 holes today and not four or five. Yeah, it's quite nice.

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