Alfred Dunhill Links Championship

Thursday, September 30, 2021

St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Paul Dunne

Quick Quotes

Q. Despite the bogey, you must be pleased with 67 today?

PAUL DUNNE: Yeah, I played pretty solid. It was nice to have a pretty steady round going. Obviously a bit disappointing, bogey-free up till the last and hit a pad tee shot and lost the ball. Nice to birdie on my second ball but it would have been nice to cap it off and keep it bogey-free. But I'd have taken 67 on the first tee. Can't complain too much.

Q. St Andrews, good memories from The Open, do they come back always every time you go back there?

PAUL DUNNE: Yeah, absolutely. Obviously I've got great memories from The Open and from the previous probably five Dunhill Links I've played, I've got really good memories from each one of those as well. It's one of those, you come back to the same courses and you remember all the different shots you hit and the way the crowds reacted and that sort of thing.

So there's plenty to vibe off this week and the game feels like it's in a really good place. Hopefully I can just keep that rolling and play three more good rounds.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the season? Obviously it's not been probably what you were looking for at all. Just how are you feeling about where you are at the moment. I heard you on a Podcast recently talking about the mental game being something that you have to work on?

PAUL DUNNE: I feel fine. Obviously for a while when I was struggling with my game, I wasn't really looking forward to playing every day, especially when I wasn't sure if I was going to get into tournaments and when I did get into them, not feeling like my game is in a good enough place to compete kind of made me not want to go and play.

I've been putting some work in recently, over the last, say, four or five weeks, I've started to see it get much better in practise, and then gradually start to make its way to the course bit by bit. Feel like I'm trending in the right direction again and I've kind of pinpointed the right things to keep doing every day and yeah, here is hoping it continues.

Q. Do you know how much you're going to play between now and the end of the year? Have you got any goals? I'm not sure what your status is or what you have to do or whether you have to do anything. I'm not sure what your situation is.

PAUL DUNNE: No, I have no idea to be honest. I know the next three weeks in Spain, I probably won't get into the first couple. I'll probably get into that event in Mallorca. So I'll play; like I'll play to wherever I get into, or if I get invites, I'll play or if I have a Top-10 and get in next week, I'll play.

It's looking like I'll have two or tree events before the end of the year and maybe those events in South Africa before Christmas. But I don't really have any goals. I just kind of want to go out and enjoy it again. It's been so long since I felt my swing was in a relatively comfortable place. I'm just trying to enjoy that feeling and the scores are what they are, and just keep moving the right direction and see where it takes me.

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112917-1-1003 2021-09-30 15:25:00 GMT

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