Alfred Dunhill Links Championship

Thursday, September 30, 2021

St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Adri Arnaus

Quick Quotes

Q. 32-32, 64, bogey-free. Talk us through it.

ADRI ARNAUS: Yeah, obviously pleased with this start. First part of the round, enjoyed it so much. Great company and got to know a couple cool guys, the amateurs and looking forward to tomorrow and the next few days.

Q. How does it feel for you compared to a normal week?

ADRI ARNAUS: Well, I would say that, yeah, it's just like a laid back week. Get to chat and get to know some characters that you can see sometimes on TV, sometimes somewhere else. But it's a pleasure to play with them and have a round of golf together.

Q. Tell us about links courses. Obviously it's not been a strength on the European Team of yours, but what's it like for you, I imagine would you have grown up not playing these courses?

ADRI ARNAUS: Yeah, every year that goes by I learn new things and as an amateur I did play a little bit around here but it's not my native environment. But still enjoy coming to where the golf started and so yeah, it's at the end of the day a cool part of golf.

Q. Carnoustie next and Kingsbarns as well. How do you like the other two courses?

ADRI ARNAUS: I think each has its little tricky part. You have to go out ready. I guess Carnoustie tomorrow with a little bit of wind is going to be fun, so looking forward to the challenge.

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