Q. Michael, thanks for stopping by. I'm sure you want to get to the airport or ferry, or whatever you've got to do, but how much did you take out of this week? Very nice performance in a big tournament.
MICHAEL HOEY: Yeah, I mean, the putt on the last there, I knew there was a bit of money on it, and I'm trying not to think about money, I can see finishing fourth on Challenge Tour over that putt.
I'm glad a made a good stroke, but it was more about the team as well. There's obviously a little bit of financial in the team, and to not let Neve down on the last, to contribute, because we have a chance to win it. So there was a few things going on on 18.
But didn't play unbelievable today, but kept it pretty solid because this can pay for my season. And it's quite a big thing.
Q. Yeah, looked like a little five, six-footer, something like that, maybe not that much, around that, something like that?
MICHAEL HOEY: Yeah, probably four feet, but the wind is picking up now. If you don't strike it solid, it can go off line. The wind is definitely picking up. If the ams -- they need to play good probably on the last seven holes to overtake us. Which they might do.
Neve was brilliant to play with. She was great company. She came in, dovetailed well. Got lucky, really, came into the right holes, both of us.
Just a really enjoyable few days.
Q. Yeah, is she a travel agent, is that right? I'm not sure if that's correct.
MICHAEL HOEY: Jerry McManus's wife.
Q. Okay, that's explains it. What's she's playing at?
Q. 22?
MICHAEL HOEY: They were saying she was a bandit because she was hitting 270 yards. Not quite true. TV were exaggerating. She was doing well.
Q. I saw her over the road on 18, a nice hit down there.
MICHAEL HOEY: She's swinging it really well. Keeping it really tidy. It's just a real bonus to have her in this tournament.
Q. Is she playing out at Adare Manor as well?
MICHAEL HOEY: Yeah, she's there. And hopefully get down next year for a game. That would be nice.
Q. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know what the team prize money is for the pro. Do you know what the pro gets for winning the team prize?
MICHAEL HOEY: I think it's $50,000. But Peter Lawrie won it 2014. So I'm obviously money is not important, but it's up there with oxygen.
Q. Yeah. That would cover a lot of weeks. As you tell me, it was 1,300 a week in the Challenge.
MICHAEL HOEY: Whatever happens. Might get overtaken, but whatever happens.
Q. You've got a fairly good chance, but somebody might sneak in at the end. But might be a good week. You've got two, three weeks coming up in Spain. Windy courses usually, and in New York as well. Could be breezy there as well. Good prep for that maybe? Know it's not the same, but a little bit of breeze and playing well under pressure, has to give you -- I don't know what you need to do, you probably need --
MICHAEL HOEY: Need top threes. Yeah, I need top threes or a win. And it's hard in the Challenge. I know I keep going on about the Challenge Tour and everyone is sick to death about it, but 58, it's 22-under after three rounds, and the courses are not that easy. It's an incredibly high standard.
I almost find it easier at these events, it's windy, tougher conditions, tougher golf courses, where I can actually feel like I compete better. But I still have to go down a level and do it. Otherwise, it's like John Murphy, we were talking about it, I shared a house with him two weeks ago in France, and just getting the mindset you have to go for everything on Challenge, and every day someone shoots 10-under par. So John's probably finding it easier this week in these tougher conditions and better golf courses.
Q. Yeah, always been that way, getting off that Challenge Tour is the hard part. I'm sure you're pleased enough with a top 25 this week, and looking ahead for next year, maybe a few more European Tour starts if you can do the business or a better category anyway?
MICHAEL HOEY: Yeah, it's hard to know with -- normally 20 to 30 on Challenge. If you don't finish top 20, gets a lot of events. But with the safety net, it's not going to get into that much. So we really need to be aggressive and try and get top 20.
Just I'm enjoying it, as I said. Much enjoying it, so keeping me playing.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports