Q. Get your thoughts after that 4-under here at Carnoustie?
ROBERT MacINTYRE: Yeah, it was a good round of golf. Don't know what to expect with the weather. Became beautiful. It was an enjoyable round of golf with the other guy, Billy, Mark and Seth. It was really enjoyable. I get on well with Billy. Overall, good round of golf.
Q. What was the story of the day? I saw a lot of pars on your scorecard.
ROBERT MacINTYRE: I didn't hole many putts. I've played this golf course so many times and the greens just get flatter and flatter every time I play. For me, I like to see curves, so it's difficult to see the straight line. I think I don't read them right but I hung in there and I took my chances later on.
But the greens, potentially the best set of links greens I've ever putted on. I mean, they were top drawer today.
Q. Lovely crowds, great atmosphere. How was today?
ROBERT MacINTYRE: It was brilliant, and Scottish fans, as well, had quite a lot of support all the way around. It was cool to be on the fairways with these guys. Mark, just picking his brain on certain things and cool to here his experiences.
Q. Is there a different vibe out there from a few weeks ago, maybe a few more people taking an interest new?
ROBERT MacINTYRE: I think there will be. I've won a golf tournament that had some big names in it; I punched harder. I'm very relaxed at the moment. This is my sixth week on a six-week stretch. After the win, I've kind of eased up. It's just chilled me out a little bit. There's less stress. I was trying to get to the final Race to Dubai event and secured that now. I'm playing well and controlling my golf ball but more importantly I'm in a great place in my life. I'm happy with everything that's going on and the golf shows in that.
Q. Six weeks in a row, how much of a good point in that schedule is this event because it is still a golf tournament that you want to win but the atmosphere is completely different to 72 holes?
ROBERT MacINTYRE: That's the reason we played France last week, because even after the win, there was so much going on. Actually I was thinking about taking a week off but I've just got to keep going. Ride the wave.
The schedule, it was going to be more hectic after this than I've got now. After that win, let's just keep working hard. But we can pick-and-choose our moments and that's what we are going to do now and just enjoy ourselves. It's something that we don't do much is enjoy the win, so I'm looking forward to getting home and having time with friends and family and a little celebration.
Q. Shotgun start tomorrow?
ROBERT MacINTYRE: It's bunker down and try your best. I think it's going to be carnage from the start. I think it's going to be difficult. But just got to try your best. It's not one of them days that you're going to make lots of birdies. It's a day that hopefully the setups are right and you can play golf.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports