Q. 70 here at St Andrews, how do you evaluate today's performance?
RICHIE RAMSAY: Can't really see that one. I just come back in 2-over. If you're starting on 10, it was downwind and the wind switched and gave you help on the front.
But yeah, I've played really well and then just again, very frustrating day on the greens, let you come back and play 1-under, miss a good opportunity on 10. It just feels like a missed opportunity. But there's a good score out there and you need to hole putts and that's what I didn't do. You need to hit it really close. I did have chances but just going to go work on that now. Feels like a chance slipped me by and I needed a low one.
Q. Did pace of play make any contribution to that? 4-under on the front nine, you hit that bottleneck and make your way back, everything slowed down a little bit.
RICHIE RAMSAY: It does slow but you know it's coming so it's not like a surprise. When we were shooting a score, you've got to look at yourself and look at what you can do better. And that's what I've really been struggling with, the putting. Nice little run on the downward nine, but then just nothing really went on the back nine.
The wind switched, so you know, we were hoping to get the back nine downwind and then it moved and then you're playing kind of in it on the left. So it felt like we were playing most of the holes into the Bee's Bar from like 10, 11.
First round, there's another two to go. But anything like that I'm a little bit behind the pack and I need to chase a bit.
Q. The Alfred Dunhill Links, we have the team aspect. How much do you enjoy the atmosphere?
RICHIE RAMSAY: Yeah, it was good. Had a good chat with Peter on a few of the holes and just about his life story and kind of some of the adversity he's faced and how he's got over it.
For us, and particularly for me, these guys are a wealth of knowledge, not about maybe how they built their business but about the trials and tribulations they have gone through and what you can learn from them. They have been through so many up-and-downs, particularly the downs; how do you pick yourself up when things haven't worked out in the business world and personally, and a lot of them have come out of that and been better for it. Yeah, had a good chat to Peter about that today.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports