Q. How would you assess the day?
ALEX NOREN: It was nice to play without the rain, and very windy. Especially the first 14 were very windy, and I think I played probably the best that I've played this week tee-to-green. In the middle stretch of the round, I just holed a kind of --it's tough here, very flat greens, and just looking for a little curve in them but there's not much.
Q. You would be what we would describe as a prolific, ten-time champion on the DP World Tour, but recent times trying to become a global star and play on the PGA TOUR. How challenging is it to take your game all over the world, playing across tours and also how excited are you about being in the mix again?
ALEX NOREN: I love playing in Europe, and I would love to play more. It's just very competitive, whatever tour you're on. I was close during the summer and then I haven't been close for a while. Maybe earlier this year was better.
Yeah, I mean, it's like as big of a challenge, as big of a thrill, as big of an anxiety level or motivation level. Everything is, this is what I want. I love this tournament. I played with the same guy now for a lot of years, and you get so many good players in, this field. So you know, I'm going to do my best tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports