Q. How much more enjoyable was that than yesterday?
RICHARD MANSELL: Yeah, I mean, it felt like summer to be honest, and we're standing in woolly hats. This course really fun, anyway and I was really looking forward to the challenge of it. You know, like I say, it was windy but we had no rain. To be honest anything would have been better than yesterday.
Q. How would you assess your day's play?
RICHARD MANSELL: I played really, really good today. We had one bogey on 9. I hit a good shot in, and again, was just really in control of my golf ball. I've putted good. I did a lot of good work. Me and my coach, Mike Kanski, he's helped massively. He was here at the start of the week. And I feel really in control of my golf game right now.
Q. How importance to bounce back after the bogey on 9?
RICHARD MANSELL: Yeah, I played brilliant on the back nine. Birdied 10, tremendous horseshoe lipout on 11. Birdied 12 but had 20 feet for eagle. Had 20 feet for eagle on the next par 5. Hit it close on the par 3. Hit it close on every par 3. Really good 2-putt on 17 because that hole is brutal today, and then last, obviously we just hit the driver exactly where we were aiming at the right to keep it safe, and hit a good wedge to roll in and finish a good day was nice.
Q. You look very control and calm.
RICHARD MANSELL: Yeah, I've been in contention a lot this year and had chances on Sundays. Every time, they say in golf, that you don't lose, you learn. That's what I feel like I've done really well this year. Tomorrow there's a lot of golf. It's links golf, anything can happen. It's St Andrews. People can shoot 60. I'm just really focused on myself right now. I'm going to try and shoot a good score tomorrow and see where it puts me.
Q. What have you learned from your experiences this year that will you take into tomorrow?
RICHARD MANSELL: Just not worry about anyone else. Golf is a really hard game. I've missed two cuts the last couple of weeks. My clubs didn't show up in France. We flew to Italy myself to get my clubs after. Missed the cut in Italy after not playing well the first day.
But I've been playing a lot of good stuff recently so it was just a case of not worrying about them two tournaments.
My game is in a good place and like I say I've proved that here and hopefully we can have one more good round tomorrow and see where it puts us.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports