Q. 7-under today around Kingsbarns, is it nice to be back on home soil?
GRANT FORREST: It is, yes. Some nice showers this morning on and off but all in all the weather turned out all right. I played really nicely. Gave myself loads of chances and managed to roll -- probably missed a few of the shorter chances I gave myself and then evened it out and made a few longer putts on holes I wasn't expecting it but all in all delighted.
Q. Talk us through the eagle?
GRANT FORREST: Yeah, so the rain was on at that point. I hit a nice drive down the middle and just trying to chase a 3-iron in. I pulled it a little bit, and bounced a little bit left and managed to miss the bunker and was just on the left fringe. Had 30, 35 feet and managed to roll that in.
Q. This tournament is a little bit different this week, playing with the amateurs every day. Do you enjoy that?
GRANT FORREST: Yeah, it's great. You meet some great people, some guys and girls that are really successful in their own walks of life, and yeah, it's great. Just for them as well, I think it's just a great week to be up close in competition. Yeah, try and make the cut for Sunday as well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports