Q. 65 to start your account here at the Alfred Dunhill Links. I would imagine full of inspiration obviously witnessing what was in Rome last week?
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: Yeah, inspiration to say the least. I've always thought there was still a little of a "Stud" inside me but when you get to spend a week with 12 of them, yeah, we're trying to land as softly as possible from the high of a couple of days ago. Everything felt a little bit gloomy and dark after the ride of emotions last week, and no expectations whatsoever, and started hitting good shots and played a lovely round.
Q. You had an incredible start to your front nine?
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: Yeah, yeah, listen, I mean, when you throw anybody with a bit of talent in last week, and then you play golf the week after, it is inspirational. You see good shots and you see people in a good mood and you see people doing that extra thing to get the most out of their game. I don't know, I just showed up this morning, like I said, no expectations whatsoever. Things started to click.
Q. How much do you love the Alfred Dunhill Links? It's a very different atmosphere to what we normally have on the Tour.
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: Yeah, listen, it's one of the greatest events we have on tour. You play three unbelievable golf courses, you're at the Home of Golf. You play with great company, I'm playing with David Walsh, who I've known for a long, long time and many different stories, which is nice.
Yeah, the rounds are longer than what we usually do. The weather sometimes plays a big part into this week. But Johann Rupert has always been able to throw an amazing gig, and that's why all of us come back with the greatest of pleasure.
Q. Tomorrow is to be the only dry day of the week. Do you have any optimism going to Carnoustie?
NICOLAS COLSAERTS: I think I'm going to keep the optimism to really, really low because it seemed to work today. We played a really disgusting round last year, so it seems like there's one day where we get really bad weather.
Luck of the draw. When you play this thing 15 times, you're going to get the odd good course on a good day and vice versa. We'll take anything that comes our way.
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