Alfred Dunhill Links Championship

Friday, October 6, 2023

St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Sami Valimaki

Quick Quotes

Q. Sami, 68 at Kingsbarns, 67 at the Old Course. How did you find it out there?

SAMI VALIMAKI: I playing really solid. Yesterday hit one really bad shot, and today, kind of similar on the first, and after that, just played nicely.

Q. What were the conditions like out there? At the other courses, seemed to be times where the breeze got up quite a bit?

SAMI VALIMAKI: Yeah, I think it was really windy today but on the Old Course you have a little bit stress-free off the tee, so you can use it and then hit it nicely from the second shot.

Q. Give us your thoughts on Carnoustie tomorrow. Obviously the toughest of the three. It looks like not the best weather, either. How do you approach what might be lying ahead for you?

SAMI VALIMAKI: I don't want to look at it. I'm going to look at tomorrow morning. We'll see.

Q. Tell us about this week, Alfred Dunhill Links, a very different week to what you're used to on tour and a more relaxed atmosphere, as well, I think?

SAMI VALIMAKI: Yeah, kind of, just how hard the wind everything and makes it, so you need to be really concentrated if you want to play good golf.

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