Q. 63, how well did you play?
MATTHEW JORDAN: Played well. Certainly think I putted well. When you shoot these kind of low scores, you always seem to hole one or two that sometimes don't happen. So yeah, I think that was the most pleasing thing is how well I putted, and then yeah, just kept it in play and went from there.
Q. Is that the thing with Kingsbarns when it's quite calm, you can get it on the green and roll it in?
MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, in general. Carnoustie is a bit different than certainly St Andrews and here because there's not too much rough and the pins /KAERPBT too tricky. You can get away with the odd kind of loose drive or the odd loose shot.
It does come down, really -- because you have so many chances and you give yourself so many chances, is can you convert.
Q. And you do feel very comfortable on this golf course?
MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, I love this event. We had so much fun. It was funny, towards the end, Piers was giving me a hole-by-hole update of what we needed to get into the top 20, so I was trying desperately because we just needed one more. I was trying to birdie one of the last two and I didn't. I almost felt like I was playing for him than myself.
We had great fun. Obviously links golf when it's like this, it feels like home.
Q. But you are playing for yourself and you have a chance going to the Old Course tomorrow. Your thoughts about that?
MATTHEW JORDAN: Of course, yeah, I love that place. I will just have to see the scores and try and repeat something similar.
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