Q. All in all, pretty good round, how do you analyse your opening performance here at the Betfred British Masters?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: I believe it was very good. It was much of the same over the last few months, very solid tee-to-green and it looks like I'm starting to make some puts. That's good, which is great.
I was talking yesterday with my coach and I told him if I can keep playing the way I'm playing and (make some) putts, I'll be in contention pretty much week-in, week-out. It was good today. I missed a few putts early on and then I made a few. It was a shame to miss a putt on last but I thought it was a very good putt. Sometimes in late afternoons, it's difficult to make those six-feet-downhill-breaking puts.
Q. Hard to analyse your game when you haven't been putting in the results. Seems the puts have been the weak link for you?
EDOARDO MOLINARI: The putter has been extremely poor. You have no idea how bad it's been. Last month, I was at home for four weeks and I put some very good work in. I had a decent week last week on the greens, and today again considering putting in the afternoon, I think I had a good day on the green. If I can putt like this for a few months, I'll be very dangerous.
I feel like the golf course suits me a lot. You have to keep the ball in play, and you still have to hit fairways, hit greens, and as I said it's difficult to make putts. So I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning with fresh greens and hopefully make a few and just keep hitting the ball the way I am.
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