Q. Tell us about that putt on 18 and the rush of adrenaline and the noise from the crowd.
ANDY SULLIVAN: It was amazing, almost like -- I wanted to do something like that all day to try and get it going, fortunately it came on the last. I didn't realise it was going down there. I was just grateful for to hit the hole because it might actually have gone down the other ridge. Just one of them things. I didn't get anything going all day, very steady, very solid, and then yeah, last couple of holes was sweet to finish like that.
Q. A round of 74, birdies and two bogeys in there, overall, what's the verdict?
ANDY SULLIVAN: Yeah, I feel like I played well. Just a couple of loose swings on 11. Got really hard done by right against a tree. Had to chip out sideways. Didn't have a shot.
And then 12, just let it go on the wind a little bit but made a good bogey there.
So it's almost like even though it was a bogey, it was a momentum saver and got up-and-down for bogey, and felt good after that.
Just it's tricky out there. The wind is gusting and it's changing a little bit, so like the last day, I've got 185 yards, hit 8-iron and flown it 200 yards. It's very gusty and difficult to judge the distances. You just have to try and take your chances when they come, and there might be few or you might get lucky and get on a roll. It's one of them, scoring never getting away from you, so you always feel like you're in. It will be fun tomorrow.
Q. How much are you looking forward to tomorrow, tied for the lead with your home fans pulling you along?
ANDY SULLIVAN: I'm buzzing. I'm absolutely buzzing. I can't wait. I'm not going to lie, I'll probably go have a little beer right now to calm down, because literally, the nerves on the last when the putt was going down, I was thinking, this could be three-putt.
It's amazing. It's been so nice to see so many friendly faces out there. I'm going to enjoy it.
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