Italian Open

Thursday, 15 September, 2022

Rome, Italia

Marco Simone Golf & Country Club

Matt Fitzpatrick

Quick Quotes

Q. Good start out there?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, I played well in patches. I've been lucky off the tee probably three times today. Just had a lie and got myself back in position and made a par, which I feel like looking at the scoring over the day, pars have been good scores. So yeah, to be honest I'm taking my chance when is I've had them, which is great. But just need to sharpen the driver.

Q. How difficult is it when you have to start and stop, run of three in a row there?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, it was really annoying. I was trying to push us on as fast as possible but the rest of the field are obviously playing a bit slower.

Especially when you're having a good round, you just want to keep going but it is what it is. Come back out tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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