Hero Cup

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Club

Continental Europe

Thomas Detry

Quick Quotes

Q. How was the course today?

THOMAS DETRY: Great. We haven't been back here since 2020, 2021 maybe. It's cool. I have got great memories here. Always had decent results here to be honest. I had a Top-10 here a couple of years ago. The course is one of the best ones in the Middle East I think.

It's in good shape. Not much rough. Last time we played it, it used to be overseeded grass and now they have let the bermuda grow. A little bit tricky around the greens and maybe easier if you miss the fairway off the tee. I think it will even out. Expect a lot of birdies. You can be aggressive.

Q. You first hear about the Hero Cup, what's your initial thoughts and feelings when you first hear of a new event, a team event?

THOMAS DETRY: Well, I remember growing up, obviously watching there used to be The European Tour a couple years ago and the receive oh trophy back in the days. I remember watching that. It's a great event. It's reminiscent of The Ryder Cup a little bit, and I've never really experienced it as a professional. I've done plenty of team events as an amateur in the Palmer Cup, Jacques Léglise Trophy, all those amateur events, but as a professional never experienced a team event. I was thrilled knowing I was going to be part of this team and part of this week. Looking forward to it.

Q. Francesco and Tommy are taking it seriously. How serious are you taking this week?

THOMAS DETRY: I'm taking it extremely seriously. Every time I see an English flag out there or GB&I colour, I just want to, no, I'm just kidding. Listen, we had a great chat yesterday with McGinley and with José Maria.

Every single point counts. I'm in the mindset of going out there and winning on every single hole if I can obviously and I'm really keen to have a great week and show some of the captains what I'm capable of.

Q. Luke Donald is here and he has his paw prints all over there, touched on McGinley and Thomas Björn said a few things last night as well. What's the message? You're here to compete for Continental Europe; what's the overall message?

THOMAS DETRY: The overall message really is that we are all good enough to make the team. So now it comes down to who wants it the most. I think who shows the most heart, I would say, who really believes in this event and who really wants to be there in Rome in 2023.

Personally I'm dying for it. I really want to make that team and I'm going to do everything I can to show the captains that I'm a great match-play player, team player as well and hopefully I can show that with some good form as well in the next couple months.

Q. Are you opening doors for Luke? Are you calling him Mr. Donald? How do you approach the skipper?

THOMAS DETRY: I've known Luke a little bit through obviously tournaments and seeing him around. I hope this week will be a good chance for me to chat a little bit more with him and to be able to go for dinners together and see him around a bit more. But I haven't had a close relationship yet with him.

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