Hero Cup

Friday, January 13, 2023

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Club

Continental Europe

Thomas Detry

Antoine Rozner

Quick Quotes

Q. You've beaten a formidable team and come out on a closely fought match on top. How good does that feel?

THOMAS DETRY: Feels brilliant. Feels even better -- carried me today. He played fantastic. Must have Jordan Smith's putt on 17 and he topped it up. He played unbelievable golf. We formed a great team today.

Q. Talk me through from your point of view, Jordan holes you his putt and you need to hole one to do so. How big an adrenaline rush?

ANTOINE ROZNER: That was huge obviously. In my mind it was going to be a putt to win the match and not to halve the hole. Yeah, that was a key moment.

But I want to give credit to Thomas as well. He was there when I needed him on a few others, No. 7, as well. That was a big momentum in the match. We formed a great team for sure. Happy to get a point for the team.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
128351-1-1003 2023-01-13 12:19:00 GMT

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