Team Cup

Friday, January 10, 2025

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Great Britain & Ireland

Paul Waring

Matthew Jordan

Quick Quotes

Q. A tightly fought match and ending up in a half point. How do you feel about that?

PAUL WARING: You know what, from my point of view, I would have taken that but he played far better than that. I think he deserved a point out of that. He was brilliant to start off with. Really carried us through the first few holes and obviously gave us a great chance on the last. I'd take a half, but of course I'm a little bit disappointed because he was far better than that.

Q. Your first experience of this format, playing in team match play as a professional, facing a lot of pressure at the last, got to up-and-down it for a halve, chipping in for a win which you nearly did. Tell us about that and how you were feeling over that shot.

MATTHEW JORDAN: Well, yeah, it's obviously just that little bit more, isn't it, when you're playing for other people. Obviously normally you're selfish and playing for yourself.

For me, I tried to ignore all of that and try to hit the best shot that I possibly could, and I knew that if I could judge the lie well, which I did, then it was actually a fairly simple chip. Yeah, I judged it well. It had a chance.

So for me, just certainly just getting in that routine of doing what I would do normally and not letting everything else matter.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
151889-1-1003 2025-01-10 13:25:00 GMT

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