Team Cup

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi Golf Resort

Great Britain & Ireland

Matthew Jordan

Paul Waring

Quick Quotes

Q. Terrific win. Yesterday you played alongside Paul and Matt and got a halve and he was very complimentary and said you did the bulk of the work. Today looked like he played his part big time.

MATTHEW JORDAN: He did, yes. Certainly that kind of front nine, I was just a bit average, but Paul pulled me along and thankful I was able to do something on 7 which kind of kick started me a bit. As much as I helped yesterday, Paul definitely repaid the favour.

Q. Paul, you won as an individual back end of last year, massive thrill for you, but this is a different emotion, isn't it. When you play alongside a partner and win points for your team, describe that feeling?

PAUL WARING: Yeah, absolutely. You're trying to stay in the moment and look after your own golf game but your eyes are drawn to the leaderboard. The lads are even, like we just saw there, and the top match getting a halve out of that was massive. Even that gave us a push forward, as well, and sort of a bit of inspiration coming down the final hole.

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151922-1-1003 2025-01-11 09:34:00 GMT

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