Q. First point on the board for GB&I and 3-1 for yourself this week. I know it's early doors but what are your reflections on the week?
LAURIE CANTER: I'm really happy. Justin's talked a lot about focusing on the individual things that are going to make you play well and help the team. And yeah, we've done that well. I've had two amazing partners. To go out with Smithy was pretty special because we've known each other a long time and are good mates, and then Paul yesterday afternoon, just him and his caddie, Alex, are such good vibes. I held their coattails.
Today, I played really, really solid. Made a bit of a hiccup on 8. Apart from that, didn't really miss a shot. Made it pretty hard for a man who has been playing great. So I don't want to give him anything today. Went my way.
Q. Particularly pleasing, given how well Romain has played, to come away with a score such as this?
LAURIE CANTER: There was talk in our team room about those two lads. They were the two names we wanted to go after a bit today if I'm being honest. They are the guys who have taken full points off all of us. We had loads of motivation, even though we had a big lead. Yeah, just obviously delighted to come through.
To be honest with you, he's such a good guy that it is kind of hard to get to into him, but yeah, I was happy to come through and play good golf.
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