Dubai Invitational

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Dubaii, UAE

Dubai Creek Resort

Thriston Lawrence

Quick Quotes

Q. You must be feeling pretty good about your game overall?

THRISTON LAWRENCE: Definitely. I actually finished the year nicely down in Leopard Creek. But yeah, took three weeks off. Did absolutely nothing. Played two rounds of golf last week and wasn't expecting much. Got here on Sunday evening and you know, Monday morning, in straightaway and managed to shoot under par and looking forward to the next couple of days.

Q. After a month off, but you had time off to warm up and ease into things. What's been the greatest asset of your game today?

THRISTON LAWRENCE: Just all around, from the tee, once again, it's been really good. Hit a lot of fairways and gave myself good chances, and then putting, making those crucial 6-, 8-footers. I think it also helps to play a tournament where there's no cut and you're guaranteed playing four rounds. It just eases you into the start of the year.

Q. Great score your self; Rory McIlroy has gone out there leading at 9-under par. Do you think it's a scorable, gettable scores? A lot of players talked about how the wind does a switch, 180 in the afternoon.

THRISTON LAWRENCE: Yeah, it's not the longest going and only three par saves, so you really need to play well.

Yeah, it is scorable. Greens are really good. So if you're rolling it nicely, but you still need to play good golf to shoot under par. That 62 from him is impressive.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140289-1-1003 2024-01-11 11:40:00 GMT

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