Q. Just the one dropped shot on the final hole but a decent day overall. I think you're back in the mix. How does it feel?
JEFF WINTHER: I'm surprised. I haven't played since Mauritius. First ball I hit was here on Monday. Quite hungover, so I'm very, very pleased.
Q. You're a fun, laid back guy. Obviously it's a Pro-Am. Does that help at all?
JEFF WINTHER: I think so. I love this format. It great. You meet brilliant guys you wouldn't meet normally. Yeah, it's great. I love it. It's very loose. I consider it quite loose, at least.
Q. What do you think in your game switched at the second half of last season? You've had some decent results.
JEFF WINTHER: I call it decent. I thought it was great. I had a lovely last two months of the year last year.
I don't know, I think I'm just more relaxed. More like, if it comes, it comes. You obviously gain more confidence the better you play, the more results you make. So I'm just here to enjoy. This was actually just a warm up for me. Came from a massive 40th; my wife just turned 40. So we had a massive party on Friday, and didn't feel well until Wednesday.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports