Dubai Invitational

Friday, January 12, 2024

Dubaii, UAE

Dubai Creek Resort

Zander Lombard

Quick Quotes

Q. Very solid two days' work. How do you reflect over 36 holes?

ZANDER LOMBARD: It was rusty to be fair. Obviously first time back after four weeks off, didn't quite feel like I controlled the ball well. But managed to score well. Putting was solid. Driving was really good. So it's a lot of good but we'll see what the weekend has in store.

Q. Is that more of a mindset after you're going back after such a long break?

ZANDER LOMBARD: I think you just need to be confident in what you're doing, and kind of almost tell yourself that you want to do the right thing because you're not quite sure where the ball is coming and what shape it is going to be.

I tried to flight some shots down and hit a few fades and draws, and actually hit some really nice ones out there. That builds confidence. We'll see.

Q. You had a solid end to the calendar year. How nice to see a continuation of that coming into this week?

ZANDER LOMBARD: Yeah, it's all confidence building. Definitely it's all good vibes. There's no negative. There's no bad part of the game that I need to go work on. So it's just maintaining it and keeping the maintenance up and going forward.

Q. It feels very relaxed atmosphere out here. How nice is it to kick off the year in that sort of fashion?

ZANDER LOMBARD: Yeah, it's amazing. You're not starting the year with a massive Rolex Series after four weeks off.

So it's definitely nice to have four competitive rounds going into next week and sort of find your game, be more consistent.

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