Dubai Invitational

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Dubaii, UAE

Dubai Creek Resort

Tommy Fleetwood

Quick Quotes

Q. Tommy, it's your first 54-hole lead on the DP World Tour in ten years.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Is it really? I'm not leaving yet. Yeah, it was nice. It's a strange stat. Yeah, I felt I played very well, got off to the perfect start and got momentum early on, which I didn't have yesterday.

And then, yeah, that little patch through the middle of the back nine, really, where you just start seeing putts going in, it's funny, really, when you get a day like that and you're just looking at them and you just feel like you can come close.

So, yeah, nice day to be out on the course.

Q. Yeah, what was the difference? Because you described your putting yesterday as poor.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Practised when I came in. I mean, I putted well for like the last six or seven holes yesterday. I didn't putt that bad, I just didn't -- like I said yesterday, I didn't get the ball in the hole, which is the whole idea of putting. So, in essence, it wasn't great.

And today, yeah, practised yesterday, and I hit a couple of really nice putts early on. Was rolling the ball well. Hit the greens well.

You know, today they went my way. Yeah, just a bit of confidence when you start holing some and just get in that rhythm and that flow.

Q. Going out with the amateur playing partner today, and made nice moves, it's still golf and you play professional, but how easily do you partner with that?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, absolutely, well, I always love playing the Dunhill with Ogden. My partners this week I know very well. I've been lucky with the partners that I've had.

And, yeah, so to be playing for him down the stretch and knowing that we had a chance there, because it does mean a lot to the guys. Like they actually really love playing and they're all really competitive. So we'll see how it goes at the end.

But, yeah, again, sort of coming down the stretch there in contention for those guys is a really cool thing and, again, one of the great things about a format like this.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140372-1-1222 2024-01-13 12:18:00 GMT

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