Dubai Invitational

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Dubaii, UAE

Dubai Creek Resort

Rory McIlroy

Quick Quotes

Q. You started the week off with a 62 and finished off in dramatic style. Overall wanted to get your thoughts?

RORY McILROY: I think for the first week back out, it was a really positive.

Week. Looking back on today, you know, a tee shot in the water with an iron on the front nine, had that three-putt from three feet on the par 3, and then the water ball on the last.

So you know, I think first week back out, I think you're going to expect some of those sloppy mistakes, and unfortunately for me, those mistakes came at the wrong time today. But you know, I'll reflect on it and learn from today, and there's still a lot of good stuff in there. But just need to tidy up some of the edges, and if I do that, I feel good going into next week.

Q. Whether you're leading or chasing, you said you learned a little bit. Can you expand a little bit more on that? I don't know if it's too soon, but what can you take from this?

RORY McILROY: Just sort of the shots that I'm comfortable in. I tried to hit a tee shot on the last; I probably wanted to hit a different shot because that was what was most comfortable. But I tried to go with the shot that I feel like I should hit, and then I wanted to try to turn one over because it was the only way that I was going to be able to carry the bunker on the right, too. Just a bad swing at the end there. And.

Then just a little sloppy, a lack of concentration with the tee shot on 6 in the water, and then the same thing with the putt on 13 or 14 as well. Just a couple little mental errors in there that hopefully I'll clean up for next week.

Q. Obviously you're great friends with Tommy Fleetwood as well; a bit of a yo-yo battle out there. What did you enjoy the most?

RORY McILROY: It was a great day. It was a bit back and forth. I went three behind after ten, and then made three birdies in a row on 11, 12 and 13 to get back tied for the lead.

And then yeah, look, I'm really happy for Tommy. He's played some incredible golf over the last year without actually getting a win.

So for him to get the win here, it's great for him and it will do his confidence a world of good, and hopefully he kicks on from it.

But yeah, it was a good battle out there and hopefully I have many more with him this year and for the years ahead.

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140405-1-1003 2024-01-14 12:33:00 GMT

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