acciona Open de EspaƱa presented by Madrid

Saturday, 28 September, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Club de Campo Villa de Madrid

Joe Dean

Quick Quotes

Q. Good round today. One eagle, one bogey, one birdie. Just assess, sort of, the day.

JOE DEAN: Very untidy. Very messy with some -- yeah, a couple of very nice shots in there. But yeah, it was a real struggle off the tee, which is baffling me, really. Because the Pro-Am, I think I hit every fairway on the front nine of the Pro-Am, and yeah, it just slowly started going backwards from there.

But no, happy to shoot under par. Anything in the 60s today, I would have been happy with. So a sort of little tick off the list.

Q. And how was the experience, playing with two Spaniards in their home open? Was there a lot of crowds? What was the atmosphere like?

JOE DEAN: Yeah, the crowd is fantastic. They have both been great. A lot more emotion than I can find. So yeah, it's fantastic to watch, and you know, wish them all the best tomorrow.

Q. What's your experience been like, first time playing the event, how has it been this week?

JOE DEAN: Yeah, it's been fantastic. The food -- the food has been unbelievable. So yeah, hopefully next year it will be more of the same.

Yeah, the organisation, everything is run really well, so I can't complain.

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