Open de France

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

Le Golf National

Lev Grinberg

Quick Quotes


Q. Making your fifth start with us on the DP World Tour, making a name for yourself, 5-under par start here. How much are you enjoying the experience of playing not just on tour again but playing on a golf course like this?

LEV GRINBERG: It's definitely some experience. I've worked really hard, and I really had fun today. I stuck to my game plan. I had a very good mindset a couple weeks before and a couple days before going into this event.

Playing on an Olympic golf course, playing any DP World Tour venues, it's great, and you just play with the pros. I'm very fortunate. I had a very nice group. The guys supported me, and it was a pretty good day today.

Q. Does it help when you have someone else in your group going well?

LEV GRINBERG: Maybe, yeah. Today was one of my first rounds of where I didn't really like think every hole how much under I was. I just played. And Yannik is a great player and has more experience with me and nice to see that I can keep up with him sometimes.

Q. When you get opportunities like this, what do you try and do during the week to get the most out of it?

LEV GRINBERG: Well, I'm definitely going to have a good rest now. Do my normal routine. Play ping-pong with my friends in the evening. Have a good sleep. Watch Netflix. Practise, eat and yeah, same game plan tomorrow and see what happens.

Q. Did you think you would play on time this morning after the rain that we had?

LEV GRINBERG: No. I was sleeping. I was waking up -- not waking up. I was half-awake all night thinking there's no way we're getting out because I live here on site and there's no way. I went making some videos at 7.00pm on 16, and it was just a pond. It's amazing how you guys did it, the DP World Tour group. I don't know, yeah how.

Q. Does that put you at ease, having that kind of home comfort this week?

LEV GRINBERG: Yeah, I think I'm going to have some fans hopefully tomorrow as well and I'm going to enjoy it. Just sort of admire that I'm here and have fun.

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149430-1-1003 2024-10-10 13:27:00 GMT

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