Open de France

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

Le Golf National

Thorbjorn Olesen

Quick Quotes

Q. Your good third round in the 60s here at Le Golf National. Talk us through that 67 today.

THORBJØRN OLESEN: Yeah, felt like I was struggling a little bit with my game but I never got in trouble out there.

So the bad shots were still pretty good, so this that was nice. Yeah, steady round. Like I said there was some loose shots but yeah, just managed my game really well today I think.

Q. 1-under through the last four holes today. How were they playing today?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: Yeah, a bit of a rough finish yesterday, you could say. Yeah, was a little bit annoyed with that finish obviously yesterday, and it was nice today to come out on those last few holes and play them 1-under.

You know, it is a tough finish. There's no doubt about it. And if you're in between clubs on those holes, it makes it a little bit tricky. Happy with the finish today.

Q. You said you struggled with a few things today but what were the things that made you happy about the round today?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: I think my putting was pretty consistent all day. Holed some good putts down the front nine, a couple of good putts, and then obviously that one on 17 was really important.

But yeah, all in all, I thought my bad shots was pretty good today, and that was important.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
149565-1-1003 2024-10-12 15:13:00 GMT

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