U.S. Women's Amateur Championship

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

University Place, Washington, USA

Chambers Bay

Latanna Stone

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you play?

LATANNA STONE: I played well today. My irons were kind of not really working towards the back stretch, but I think I shot 1- or 2-under today, and there's nothing you can really do about it. Like you said, it's match play.

Q. You came out here and played really good golf. What can you take out of it that's positive?

LATANNA STONE: We were just talking about this. You know, I had a great round yesterday, and it's unfortunate. In match play anything can happen. My biggest takeaway is I had the course record and I feel like I played really well this week, and I had a good week, and just unfortunately things didn't go my way.

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