U.S. Women's Amateur Championship

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Los Angeles, California, USA

Bel-Air Country Club

Megan Schofill


Q. I know you've been thinking about potentially lifting that trophy all week long. It was a lot of hard work to get there. Your immediate thoughts on what you just accomplished? I know it's soon after, but I have to think that this is just a dream come true.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: For sure. It's definitely a dream come true. I would be lying if I wouldn't say I was still in shock. I feel like it hasn't set in yet. Latanna played a great match. To be able to walk the fairways with her, I felt like we both played really solid golf.

Yeah, this -- I feel like I can't put it into words the emotions I'm feeling. It's just such an honor to be able to say I won here this year.

Q. You seemed like you came here on a mission. This is your sixth U.S. Women's Amateur you've played. You have the experience. How important was it to get up to a pretty big 3-up lead after the first 18?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: I felt like that was huge going into the second 18. Felt like the momentum was on my side because I won 15, 16, 17.

But, I mean, 18 holes a lot of golf can happen, so I was able to just keep it together that second 18. I just kept reminding myself that we were all square and just try to forget about the first 18.

Q. Your boyfriend C.J. was on the bag. Seemed like a steadying force for you. A lot of up and downs throughout the week of match play. I know you're father, Billy, he doesn't miss too many tournaments but this was a little far for him to drive. Your mom, Paulette, and Billy couldn't be here. What would you like to say to them right now?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Just thanks for all the support and I wouldn't be here without either of you, so thank you.


Q. I know she's not family, but she's your Auburn family. Coach Luellen was here today. She was here in the beginning of week and flew back to watch this experience. You are bringing this trophy for the first time to Auburn, first US Women's Amateur championship to go to Auburn. What did it mean to have her out here?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: I'm glad she's not a jinx, but, no, I mean, Coach took a chance on me four and a half years ago, and I'm so thankful that she did that for me. She'll be a special person for the rest of my life.

Q. She said to you before you went out for the second 18 to breathe and believe. How did that resonate with you?

MEGAN SCHOFILL: It definitely helped. I felt like I was just really trying to focus on one shot at a time and just really stay in the present and not get ahead of myself because it's a long day of golf.

Q. It was a long day of golf indeed, and you made it look very easy for the most part. I know 14 was a little bit of anomaly. We'll just let that go. Congratulations on winning this U.S. Amateur championship. Let's see you hoist that trophy one more time.


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